Focus follows mouse in 2015a

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Temu Gautama
Temu Gautama 2015-9-4
评论: Temu Gautama 2019-11-12
I have recently updated to R2015a on a windows 7 machine. I use focus-follows-mouse (you can change this in the registry), but it my Matlab window is one of the few windows where a mouse-click is necessary to make it the active window to type in. Has anyone experienced the same behaviour and is this by design?
  4 个评论
Temu Gautama
Temu Gautama 2019-11-12
I have found a workaround which yields acceptable results. I get automatic focus, but the matlab command window is also auto-raised. In any case, here's what I did:
I call this function from my startup.m to create a callback for the command window
function focus()
mde = com.mathworks.mde.desk.MLDesktop.getInstance;
cw = mde.getClient( 'Command Window' );
xCmdWndView = cw.getComponent(0).getViewport.getComponent(0);
h_cw = handle( xCmdWndView, 'CallbackProperties' );
commName = 'matlabFocus.exe';
dir1 = 'c:\SomePlace\';
comm1 = fullfile( dir1, commName );
function callMe( varargin )
dosFast( ['"' comm1 '" &'] );
set( h_cw, 'MouseEnteredCallback', @callMe );
This matlabFocus.exe I created using a tool called AutoIt. The code looks for the matlab window, activates it and sends ctrl-0 to switch to the command window.
Local $hWnd = WinGetHandle( "[REGEXPTITLE:MATLAB [7R]*]" );
If @error Then
MsgBox( $MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "An error occurred when trying to retrieve the window handle of Matlab" )
; Set focus of the matlab window
WinActivate( $hWnd ) ; This works
Send( "^0" ) ; Switch to command window
It's a bit of a clumsy work-around, but, hey, it works.
Temu Gautama
Temu Gautama 2019-11-12
I forgot the function dosFast:
function dosFast( cmd1 )
hRuntime = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime();
process = hRuntime.exec( cmd1 );
% status = process.waitFor();
(can be put in the focus() function before the callMe() definition)


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