Solar Radiation Time Series Data

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Zahra kamkar
Zahra kamkar 2015-9-15
编辑: jonas 2018-10-12
Hello everybody.
I need a valid solar radiation time series database. I want to use it as inputs of my Anfis mfile. Could you please help me?
  2 个评论
Mounir guesbaya
Mounir guesbaya 2018-10-12
Hello evryone , I need a valid solar radiation time series database too , for testing a white-box model of a greenhouse , some help please ??
jonas 2018-10-12
编辑:jonas 2018-10-12
These are not matlab questions. With that said, there are various online databases for obtaining weather data, like (european) or (swedish, solar radiation only). I don't know how reliable the second one is outside of Scandinavia, it's completely free though.


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