Shade an area in a plot between two Y values

646 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear MATLAB community,
I have a time series plot, and would like to shade specific regions in light grey (transparent).
The time series plot is an economic process, and I would like to shade times of recessions.
That is, I already have the values of the y-axis (the respective start date and end date of a recession), and I already have a nice plot, but I cannot figure out how to add these 'recession shadings'.
In short: I would like to shade an area in a time series plot, and the area is defined as:
X(:) % all x
Y(y1,y2) % between y1 and y2
Thank you!


Star Strider
Star Strider 2015-9-16
编辑:Star Strider 2015-9-16
See if this does what you want:
x = linspace(0, 10, 10);
y = randi(9, 1, 10);
ybars = [2 6];
hp = plot(x, y, 'bp');
hold on
patch([min(xlim) max(xlim) max(xlim) min(xlim)], [ybars(1) ybars(1), ybars(2) ybars(2)], [0.8 0.8 0.8])
plot(x, y, 'bp')
hold off
axis([0 10 0 10])
You will have to modifiy it to do what you want, but that should be straightforward. Note the repeated plot call to prevent the patch from hiding it.
  7 个评论
Afiq Azaibi
Afiq Azaibi 2023-3-17
In addition to Start Strider's solution, starting in R2023a you can use the xregion and yregion functions:
plot([datetime(2020, 1, 1), datetime(2023, 1, 1)], [1, 2]);
xregion(datetime(2021, 1, 1), datetime(2022, 1, 1));


更多回答(2 个)

Narendra Sharma MadanLal Sharma
Thanks a lot ,Star Strider!
  2 个评论
Jonathan Bishop
Jonathan Bishop 2019-5-24
Didn't spend more than a minute on this so possibly there is more to it, but if using a legend, both the patch and the double call to plot will affect the current spot in the ordered list of plot colors. Set the patch handlevisibility to 'off' and use cla after the first plot, if you don't want to bother dealing with the color order in a more programmatic fashion.


A K M Kamrul Hasan
A K M Kamrul Hasan 2020-1-22
This discussion is about the srea bounded by straight lines. However, is it possible to shade an area in Matlab plot bounded by straight lines and curved lines? (i.e like the attached image) ?
Kamrul Hasan 1486289316.png
  3 个评论
Star Strider
Star Strider 2023-3-19
Just seeing this now.
Yes! It is definitely possible.
x = linspace(0, pi);
y = sin(x);
Pm = 0.5;
xPm = interp1(y(x<=pi/2), x(x<=pi/2), Pm) % Calculate Interseection
xPm = 0.5237
deltam = interp1(y(x>=pi/2), x(x>=pi/2), Pm) % Calculate Interseection
deltam = 2.6179
plot(x, y)
Lv1 = (x>=pi/2) & (y>=Pm); % Logical Vector
Lv2 = (x>=xPm) & (x<=pi/2); % Logical Vector
patch([x(Lv1) flip(x(Lv1))], [ones(size(x(Lv1)))*Pm flip(y(Lv1))], 'r' ) % Call 'patch'
patch([x(Lv2) flip(x(Lv2))], [zeros(size(x(Lv2))) ones(size(y(Lv2)))*Pm], 'r') % Call 'patch'
yline(Pm,'-k','P_m', 'LabelHorizontalAlignment','left', 'FontWeight','bold')
text(median(x(Lv2)), Pm/2, 'A_1', 'Horiz','center', 'Vert','top')
text(median(x(Lv1)), (max(y)+Pm)/2, 'A_2', 'Horiz','right', 'Vert','top')
hold on
plot([1 1]*deltam, [0 Pm], '--k')
hold off
It’s worth noting how ‘Lv’ is constructed. It combines the logical values where and to create the appropriate bounding region to fill with patch.
Add the other text calls to create text in the appropriate places. The x-axis location for has been calculated.



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