How to read .hdr files in Matlab?

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All the volumes(image 3D) location are stored in a variable called Fulfilename as
Fulfilename 178*1 cell
'D:\Oasis\Database\disc1\OAS1_0001_MR1\PROCESSED\MPRAGE\T88_111\OAS1_0001_MR1_mpr_n4_anon_111_t88_masked_gfc.hdr '
'D:\Oasis\Database\disc1\OAS1_0003_MR1\PROCESSED\MPRAGE\T88_111\OAS1_0003_MR1_mpr_n4_anon_111_t88_masked_gfc.hdr '
'D:\Oasis\Database\disc1\OAS1_0010_MR1\PROCESSED\MPRAGE\T88_111\OAS1_0010_MR1_mpr_n4_anon_111_t88_masked_gfc.hdr '
'D:\Oasis\Database\disc1\OAS1_0013_MR1\PROCESSED\MPRAGE\T88_111\OAS1_0013_MR1_mpr_n4_anon_111_t88_masked_gfc.hdr ' etc
I need to read all the images in Matlab. I tired with some code. It doesnt help me. Any help is appreciated. My code is the following:-
load Fulfilename;
for p=1:178
V= hdr_read_volume('Fulfilename{p}');


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-9-20
load Fulfilename;
for p = 1 : length(Fulfilename)
V{p} = hdr_read_volume(Fulfilename{p});
  2 个评论
Jab 2015-9-20
编辑:Walter Roberson 2015-9-20
Thanks for the help Walter. I am getting the error like the following
Error using analyze75open (line 17)
Invalid format ".hdr ". Valid formats include "hdr" and "img".
Error in isanalyze75 (line 26)
fid = analyze75open(filename, 'hdr', 'r');
Error in analyze75info>parseInputs (line 440)
if ~isanalyze75(filename)
Error in analyze75info (line 138)
[args, userSupplied] = parseInputs(filename, varargin{:});
Error in hdr_read_header (line 15)
Error in hdr_read_volume (line 13)
if(~isstruct(info)), info=hdr_read_header(info); end
Error in main (line 68)
V{p} = hdr_read_volume(Fullfilename{p});
Could you please clarify this?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-9-20
Your filename list has trailing blanks on each of the strings. Code that accounts for that is
load Fulfilename;
Fulfilename = strtrim(Fulfilename);
for p = 1 : length(Fulfilename)
V{p} = hdr_read_volume(Fulfilename{p});


更多回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-9-20
Fulfilename{p} is already a string. So then you're surrounding a string with quotes, but this actually does not evaluate Fulfilename{p} but just puts Fulfilename{p} into the string as a literal. So 'Fulfilename{p}' will be laterally that -- it will not be 'D:\Oasis\Database\disc1\OAS1_0001_MR1\PROCESSED\MPRAGE\T88_111\OAS1_0001_MR1_mpr_n4_anon_111_t88_masked_gfc.hdr'
There you will find out how to use braces and parentheses and quotes. You'd learn that you're supposed to do
V = hdr_read_volume(Fulfilename{p});
because Fulfilename{p} is already a string and you should not put it into quotes.

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