how to find euclidean distance for an image

10 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have 100 images and i have to find the euclidean distance for it,and i have to take a query image and find the euclidean distance and retrieve the image ,i have extracted an feature of an image and have stored it in .mat file,please help
  5 个评论
Min Min
Min Min 2020-10-17
Can I use this formula to the find histogram similarity value "1-norm(y1-y0)/norm(y0)" which is used in image steganography



Junaid 2011-12-22
Dear FIR, Sorry FIR I can't overview your code you sent to me. To compute the Euclidean distance between images or image features, your vector length or matrix should have same dimensions. Let say your first image has 1 x 460 vector then your query should be of same length. If that is the case then you can easily find Euclidean distance by the code I have written below. You just have to ensure that the dimensions are the same. I give you example of Histogram feature of two images.
I = imread('myimage.jpg');
I = rgb2gray(I);
h = imhist(I); % this will have default bins 256
% now second image
J = imread('myimage1.jpg');
J = rgb2gray(J);
h1 = imhist(J); % this will have default bins 256
E_distance = sqrt(sum((h-h1).^2));
You can do it for 1000 images as well. Let say now your 1000 images histogram are concatenated into h1. where each column is one histogram. Then your query image histogram is h. Then distance can be computed as follow.
h_new = repmat(h,1,size(h1,2));
E_distance = sqrt(sum((h_new-h1).^2));
  2 个评论
Aziz 2012-10-3
nice share Junaid... can i ask question similar to this one... i also have problem to compare 2 image at onetime, example of 2 simple image...
so it is possible to get the x and y axis value for this difference?
jenifer 2012-10-29
I also have one doubt related to this..I want to classify normal and abnormal images..I m having histogram as a features for normal and abnormal images.. How can i compute the feature vectors for these histograms...


更多回答(5 个)

Junaid 2011-12-21
Dear FIR,
Similar question was asked by one fellow. The solution you can see from following URL. I hope it might help you.
  6 个评论
suma g
suma g 2018-2-8
sir, how to calculate the distance only for particular feature say left eye and right eye
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-2-8
You'd use the sqrt() function for that (calculating distance), once you have their coordinates.


Junaid 2011-12-21
Dear Fir,
You have Query image Q, you want to compute euclidean distance of Q with all images in database. Is that you want ? If yes then Let say query Image Q is grayscale image so you can present it as feature vector
Q = Q(:); % this is one [size(Q,1) x size(Q,2) by 1]
all the images in database should have same dimensions. Let say every image and query image should have same number of pixels.
Now you load your database
D = load('Database.mat');
we assume that each column is one image and your number of columns should be size of Database. or if you want to present each row as image then simply take the transpose.
Q= repmat(Q,1,size(D,2));
E_distance = sqrt(sum((Q-D).^2));
Now E_distance have euclidean distance of Q with all images in database D.
Do let me know if It solved your problem.
  3 个评论
FIR 2011-12-21
Juniard i have uploaded my files,plz look it and suggest ideas
I have attached my program files plz see it and give suggestion
FIR 2011-12-22
Juniard i get error wen executing ur code
Undefined function or method 'minus' for input arguments of type 'struct'.
Error in ==> features at 22
E_distance = sqrt(sum((Q-D).^2))


Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2011-12-20
doc bwdist
doc graydist
might be some places to start.
  1 个评论
FIR 2011-12-21
Sean can u tell how to process for image retrieval using query image by euclidean distance


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2011-12-21
The Euclidean distance is another image. What do you mean "query image by Euclidean distance"? I don't even know what that means. Please explain.
  6 个评论
FIR 2011-12-21
I have attached my program files plz see it and give suggestion
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2011-12-21
I probably won't get to it. I'm leaving on 9 day vacation to Florida in a couple of hours.


shradha naik
shradha naik 2017-2-8
hi.. i needed some help regarding implementing quadtree decomposition and histogram based image retrieval i wanted to apply quadtree on an image and then on the segmented image histogram needs to be computed can u please help me out??


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