How to remove particular data

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I have the following output
Mek Mek
Lahi Ar
Puni N2
Ar Mek
N2 Mek
Mek Lahi
Lahi Puni
Puni BM2
I have uncommon list:
I want to remove the entire row if any of the uncommon list appears in that row. I also want to delete if the first column data and second column data equal in the particulR ROW, and remove the entire row. For example, in first row (first &second column), the data is same (Mek). So, I want to delete the entire row. And, in second row, second column, the data is Ar, because it is in uncommon list, so delete entire row. In fifth row, in first column data is N2, which is included in the uncommon list, so remove entire row. Please kindly help, how to do this. The size of out put data and uncommon list may vary. Many thanks in advance.


the cyclist
the cyclist 2015-10-1
data = {
'Mek', 'Mek';
'Lahi', 'Ar';
'Puni', 'N2';
'Ar', 'Mek';
'N2', 'Mek';
'Mek', 'Lahi';
'Lahi', 'Puni';
'Puni', 'BM2'};
uncommon = {'Ar','N2','BM2'};
% Remove rows with uncommon
isUncommonElement = ismember(data,uncommon);
rowHasUncommon = any(isUncommonElement,2);
data(rowHasUncommon,:) = [];
% Remove all same
isEqualToFirstElementInRow = strcmp(data,repmat(data(:,1),[1 size(data,2)]));
rowHasAllEqual = all(isEqualToFirstElementInRow,2);
data(rowHasAllEqual,:) = []
  5 个评论
the cyclist
the cyclist 2015-10-3
You are not talking about hyphens. Those are single quotes.
This is not very easy. Those quotes are not part of the input. They are just how MATLAB displays strings. I found a post on StackOverflow that explains how to do it. I have pasted an example below.
%// Input
inputArray = {
'a' 'b' 'Fa' 'Fb' 'Xn' 'Fx' 'sign Fa*Fx'
'0.70000' '0.90000' '-0.19592' '0.33887' '0.77327' '0.02896' '-'
'0.70000' '0.77327' '-0.19592' '0.02896' '0.76383' '0.00206' '-'
'0.70000' '0.76383' '-0.19592' '0.00206' '0.76316' '0.00012' '-'
'0.70000' '0.76316' '-0.19592' '0.00012' '0.76312' '0.00000' '-' };
paddedInputArray = strcat(inputArray,{' '}); %// add whitespace
%// Convert to char array
inputCharacterArray = char(paddedInputArray{:})
% Get size parameters
[m,n] = size(paddedInputArray);
p = size(inputCharacterArray,2);
% Create a char array "replica" of input cell array
outputCharacterArray = reshape(permute(reshape(inputCharacterArray.',p,m,[]),[1 3 2]),n*p,m).';
% Display the char array
Kanakaiah Jakkula
Kanakaiah Jakkula 2015-10-24
One kind help, I also want to remove all the names starting with the leters 'Ma' in below code as given by you:
data = {
'Mek', 'Mek';
'Lahi', 'Ar';
'Puni', 'N2';
'Ar', 'Mek';
'N2', 'Mek';
'Mek', 'Lahi';
'Lahi', 'Puni';
'Puni', 'BM2'};
uncommon = {'Ar','N2','BM2'};
% Remove rows with uncommon
isUncommonElement = ismember(data,uncommon);
rowHasUncommon = any(isUncommonElement,2);
data(rowHasUncommon,:) = [];
% Remove all same
isEqualToFirstElementInRow = strcmp(data,repmat(data(:,1),[1 size(data,2)]));
rowHasAllEqual = all(isEqualToFirstElementInRow,2);
data(rowHasAllEqual,:) = []
Many thanks in advance sir.


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