why can't i extract feature and save it to .mat file ??

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
can anyone point out the mistakes that i have make ? i'm using R2012a
  2 个评论
Stephen23 2015-10-5
编辑:Stephen23 2015-10-5
We do not have your data and we cannot run your code.
Rather than making us guess what happens when your code is run, it helps us if you actually tell us this information. This is because our mind-reading abilities are rather limited: we cannot read your computer screen, so we don't magically know what your code does.
Do you get any error or warning messages? If it runs, what is happening that you do not expect to? How are you checking the output? What do you want it to do?
Kelly Howard
Kelly Howard 2015-10-5
编辑:Kelly Howard 2015-10-5
hi i am using code from 'http://wanglimin.github.io/motionlet/' and trying to run it with a list UCF sport action videos(avi format). my objective is to implement a loop function so that the program read all the videos in the folder and extract the hoefeature and save it as .mat


回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-10-5

No. However if you were to convert your code to use fullfile instead of constructing filenames as strings, and if you were to use Smart Indent on your code and post the results, then there is more of a chance that someone could understand your code well enough to find a mistake.

... Just like I wrote before and you deleted the question and reposted it without making improvements
  2 个评论
Kelly Howard
Kelly Howard 2015-10-5
hi, im sorry.i don't know what is smart indent. i am new to matlab. i have deleted it and post it as a text file so that people can understand or see it clearly
Stephen23 2015-10-5
编辑:Stephen23 2015-10-5
Indented code is easier to follow and understand. Compare indented code:
N = 3;
for k = 1:N
X = k^N;
against code without indentation (like your code):
N = 3;
for k = 1:N
X = k^N;
You can see that the indented code makes it easier to follow which parts of the code are inside the loop, and which parts are not inside the loop.
By default the MATLAB Editor indents the code inside of loops, for operations, switch operations, nested functions, and some other operations. You normally don't have to do anything to use this feature, as it is turned on by default. However manual deletion of those indents is still possible, but should be avoided.



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