Using MATLAB python engine and returning multiple matrices

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I'm using MATLAB python engine to automate some data processing. I'm perfectly comfortable using this code to return the correlation coefficient matrix for two random columns:
import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()
rndArray = eng.randn(10, 2)
R = eng.corrcoef(rndArray)
When I use this line in MATLAB:
[R, P] = corrcoef(rndArray)
It would also return the p-value matrix for the results. But the equivalent line in python:
[R, P] = eng.corrcoef(rndArray)
does not return two matrices. What am I doing wrong? How can I get multi results in python?
Thank you


Robert Snoeberger
Robert Snoeberger 2015-10-15
编辑:Robert Snoeberger 2015-10-15
Use the nargout keyword argument [1].
R, P = eng.corrcoef(rndArray, nargout=2)

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