How can I save a figure to a variable includes address?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
this is what I am doing:
name =
name2 =
[1x87 char]
Error using saveas (line 59)
Invalid handle.
thanks for your helps.


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-10-21
Either part1 or part2 is a cell array of strings and needs to be a string instead. You could look back further in your code and make it a string instead of a cell array of strings, or you could use
name = strcat( char(part1), '-', char(part2), '.jpg');
I would normally code the char(part1) as part1{1} but I do not know which of the two is the cell and using char() covers all the cases.
  1 个评论
Hamed 2015-10-21
编辑:Hamed 2015-10-21
thanks for your answer. part1 and part2 were cell arrays. I changed defining name as you said, and it is working


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