Suppress Warning Messages

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
Is there a way to suppress the "Warning: Visualization blocks are not updated during command line simulation in rapid accelerator mode." messages?
The visualisation blocks are useful when running my model from Simulink so I don not want to delete them but I don't wand to receive the errors when running from the command line.


Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen 2012-1-3
You can use
to turn off a specific warning. You can use lastwarn to find out the message_id corresponds to the visualization block warning. Details can be found in the doc
doc warning
  1 个评论
Mike 2012-1-3
Thanks for your help.
One additional point for others who may want to use this solutions is that I had to use '[msgstr, msgid] = lastwarn' to get the message_id as lastwarn only repeats the error message.


更多回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012-1-3
Here's a well-commented snippet of my code that you may find helpful. I used it to suppress an Excel informational message.
% Turn off note "Warning: Added specified worksheet."
% that appears in the command window.
% To set the warning state, you must first know the
% message identifier for the one warning you want to enable.
% To get that, query the last warning to acquire the identifier.
% For example:
% warnStruct = warning('query', 'last');
% msgid_integerCat = warnStruct.identifier
% Command window will show this:
% msgid_integerCat =
% MATLAB:xlswrite:AddSheet
% You need to pass the expression with the colons in it into the warning() function.
% Turn off note "Warning: Added specified worksheet." that appears in the command window.
warning('off', 'MATLAB:xlswrite:AddSheet');
  3 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-4-7
It's just for that session. If you want to suppress them permanently, you can call my attached TurnOffWarnings() function from your startup.m file. Modify it for additional warnings that you encounter that you'd with to suppress.



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