I am having trouble understanding how to compile a standalone executable version of my GUI that needs the winvideo adaptor that can be used by the Image Acquisition toolbox. Is there a way to include the image adaptors in the executable file so that it will immediately work on a machine that doesn't run MATLAB?
Right now, when I run the *.exe on the computer that has the adaptors installed, it throws the following warning in the command line.
Warning: No Image Acquisition adaptors found. Image acquisition
adaptors may be available as downoadable support packages. Open <a
href = "matlab: imaq.internal.Utility.supportPackageInstaller">Support
Package Installer </a> to install additional vendors.
I'm completely new to compiling executables this way.
Alternately, I am open to solutions that create a full application through Application Deployment. When I've tried using the Application Deployment tool, the *.exe file that is generated throws an index out of bounds error (related to varargin being null?) for the GUI at the else line:
if nargout
[varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
I'm having trouble figuring out how to handle this error from code that guide auto-generated as the initialization code.
Solving either of these problems would help greatly.
Thank you for your help, Lisa