skipping lines in double array

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Lilya 2015-11-16
评论: dpb 2015-11-16
Hello all, I have a double array which contains data for date time and related parameters of it. The question is how to skip lines in it? I want to select the data (according to months) not sequentially for 3 sets:
1- for months 1,2,3,4,5,8,10
2- 6,7,9
3- 11,12
the dimensions are:
744 for 1,3,5,7,8,10,12
672 for 2
720 for 4,6,9,11
thank you for your help in advance.


dpb 2015-11-16
How's the date stored? If you have month,day,year and want rows of a given set of months, then select the ones desired by ismember or any other equivalent operation...trivial example assuming an array 'x' with yr,mo,da,data... as the columns in order
sel={[1:5,8,10];[6 7 9];[11 12]}; % define the grouping month values
for i=1:length(sel) % for each group
z=x(ismember(x(:,2),sel{i}),:); % select rows according to the group
% do whatever is wanted here with the selection...
  2 个评论
Lilya 2015-11-16
dpd, It's a serial date number (duodenum). thus, it is not including no. Of months individually (day month year)
dpb 2015-11-16
Well then first use datevec on it to get the [y,m,d] vectors.


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