Unable to find an unused TCP/IP port to connect to the rapid accelerator target for model

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a simulink model having a From File Block. When I try to run it in Rapid Accelerator Mode it returns the error: Unable to find an unused TCP/IP port to connect to the rapid accelerator target for model?
Why do I get this error please?

回答(2 个)

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2012-2-7
It appears that firewall protection on your machine can cause this type of error. Try turning it off to see if the error goes away. Also, what do you get by executing this:
>> [a b]=system('slprj\raccel\mymodel\mymodel.exe')
Where mymodel is the name of your model.

Sebastian 2017-12-12
Other users have reported that this error message seems to appear due to permissions they had on a certain network drive. So as an additional troubleshooting step you can use a folder on your local harddrive as Current Folder for MATLAB and try again to run your model in Rapid Accelerator mode.


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