numfiles = 50000
for i = 1:numfiles
f = fopen(sprintf('F%d', i), 'r'); %File names are F1, F2 and son on.
X{i} = fscanf(f, '%d %d %f %d',[4, inf]); % Matlab nag about prellocating memory.
X{i} = X{i}';
A{i} = X(:,1:3); %I want to access only three columns of X{i} and make it as A(i) and access it outside loop. i.e make
U = union(A(:,1:2),,'rows'); %Take union of first two colums of all A(i)
for j = 1:numfiles
Ua(j) = setdiff(U(:,1:2), A(:,1:2),'rows');%Again access A(i) from previous loop
Ua_z(j) = [Ua(j) zeros(size(Ua,1),1)]; % Add zero column to Ua(j)
AU(j) = [A(i) ; Ua_z(j)]; % Vertically concatenate A(i) and Ua_z(j)
AU_sorted(j) = sortrows(AU); %Sort rows of AU(j)
C = [U(:,1:2), AU_sorted(:,3)]; % Horizontally concatenate U and AU_sorted(j)