source code

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Aseel H
Aseel H 2012-1-10
How open the source code of any built_in function


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-1-10
Odd, someone else asked much the same question a few hours earlier. See my (serious) answer there:

更多回答(2 个)

C.J. Harris
C.J. Harris 2012-1-10
Depends on the function. Just type 'edit' before the function name to see if the source is visible to the end user. For example:
edit xlsread

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012-1-10
Put the cursor in the function and type control-D. Many built-in functions of toolboxes have a middle layer of m-code that is an actual m-file you can open in the editor. That can tell you a lot about what the function does. However, inside that function's m-file, there may also be a DLL or something that does the real intensive calculations or proprietary operations that you cannot drill down deeper into.


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