How can I add sequential integers to .mat filename?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have the following code running within a for loop, which appends a random integer to a .mat filename because it's using "randi". In some instances (random, naturally) this will generate a lower integer to a newer filename. This causes havoc in my data. How can I change this to make the integers increase sequentially with newer files?
name=strcat('d',dstr,'_',num2str(randi([0 999])));
I'm betting that this may be as simple as changing "randi" to a function that's not random, but I can't find such a function, and it may have its own syntax peculiarities.
This is what the script is resulting in now, the six-digit number in between "d" and the underscore is a dating convention I need to keep:
  • d736209_021.mat
  • d736210_041.mat
  • d736211_073.mat
  • d736211_090.mat
d736211_073.mat is actually a newer file than d736211_090.mat; this is no good. This is the format I'd like with increasing suffix integers being newer files:
  • d736211_001.mat
  • d736211_002.mat
Thanks in advance.


the cyclist
the cyclist 2015-11-30
Can you just number them sequentially, like this?
d = 3;
n = n+1;
  8 个评论
balsip 2015-12-1
Cyclist, I owe you an apology and thanks. You were right, the problem was with me not knowing how to implement your answer. I ended up using the following adaptation of your suggestion:
for i=1:(length(tmp)-1);
The '%03i' gave me the three digit format, so thanks to you, too, Sean. And now I have to go see 'Spectre.'


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