Help with data extraction script

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have set of data where I have multiple EMG readings column wise. The EMG readings are for specific hand movements. In the data the
  • "Restimulus" means the exercise number.
  • "Rerepetition" mean the repetition of the same exercise
Note - Each exercise is repeated 10 times where 0 denotes that the hand is at rest.
What I need to do is to write a code to extract the data into a new table where "EMG", "Restimulus", and "Rerepetition" are in the same table. I also want to remove the rows where "Rerepetition" and "Restimulus" both are 0.
How should I write the code for it ? I am attaching the file which has these variables.

回答(1 个)

Udit Gupta
Udit Gupta 2015-12-1
Try using the readtable function. This imports tabular data into matlab.
Alternatively you can use the "Import Data" button on the Home tab of Matlab toolbars and import the data interactively.
  2 个评论
sangam singh
sangam singh 2015-12-1
I have already tried that option. My question is about something entirely different. It is not about just importing data. Moreover if you may have looked at the attachment the data is already in a .m file
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-12-2
There is no attached file as yet.



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