R2012b convert HEX to binary and extract individual bits

14 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a data set that is output in HEX. I know how to convert the HEX to binary, even though in the R2012b release it's kinda convoluted.
>> DecimalNumber = hex2dec(X) %Where my HEX number is 4 digits in length 1-F in value for each digit
>> BinaryNumber = dec2bin(DecimalNumber,16) %giving me all 16 binary digits even when there are leading zero's
What I want to do is then break this into bit segments where I would get:
bits 1-5
bit 6
bits 7-11
bits 12-16
This will allow me to take my status word and see what the data is doing and what kinds of errors, if any, it are being reported out. I haven't been able to figure out a way to do this. Does anyone have any suggestions?


James Tursa
James Tursa 2015-12-15
Is this all you are trying to do?
bits01_05 = bin2dec(BinaryNumber(1:5));
bits06_06 = bin2dec(BinaryNumber(6:6));
bits07_11 = bin2dec(BinaryNumber(7:11));
bits12_16 = bin2dec(BinaryNumber(12:16));
  3 个评论
joshmartinmont 2015-12-15
编辑:joshmartinmont 2015-12-15
OK. I've managed to import the file and have it give me three variables.
>>dataArray = textscan(fileID, formatSpec, 'Delimiter', delimiter, 'HeaerLines', startRow-1, 'ReturnOnError', false);
>>dataArray{1} = datenum(dataArray{1}, 'HH:MM"SS.FFF');
>>Timestamp = dataArray{:, 1};
>>MsgInfo = dec2bin(hex2dec(cellfun(@(x)(x(4:end),dataArray{:, 2}, 'UniformOutput', false)),16);
>>CmndWrd1 = dec2bin(hex2dec(cellfun(@(x)(x(4:end),dataArray{:, 2}, 'UniformOutput', false)),16);
It turns out what I want to do with looking at the bits may be harder than I thought. I need to convert bits 1-5 of CmndWrd1 to decimal, bits 7-11 of CmndWrd1 to decimal. This is easy enough to do, but the hard part is that I want to now make those two numbers into a single string and add in some conditional statements to allow for bit 6 of the CmndWrd1 changing and for bit 7 of MsgInfo to change around.
>>str = {[num2str(bin2dec(CmndWrd1(:,1:5))),'.',num2str(bin2dec(CmndWrd1(:,7:11))),'.',[if CmndWrd1(:,6) == 0, 'R', else, 'T', end],' ',[if MsgInfo(:,7) == 0, 'busB', else, 'busA', end]]}
This would give me a string that would look like: '25.8.R busB'.
I tried using this exact function but get the error "Expression or statement is incomplete or incorrect". Which I figured it would but, but I'm not sure how to make this work.
James Tursa
James Tursa 2015-12-15
编辑:James Tursa 2015-12-15
Try this:
str = {[num2str(bin2dec(CmndWrd1(:,1:5))),'.',num2str(bin2dec(CmndWrd1(:,7:11))),'.',char('R'+2*(CmndWrd1(:,6)-'0')),' bus',char('B'-(MsgInfo(:,7)-'0'))]}


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