Patternsearch polls out of mesh points

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I've encountered an issue with the patternsearch algorithm. I have a global optimization problem with an objective function that involves a CDF (as in a probability model). In order to try and restrict the search pattern to within regions which are relatively non-flat, I imposed a maximum mesh size of 1024, since large parameter values are essentially the same in terms of the optimization problem I'm interested in.
This is correctly passed in via the patternsearch optimization options (all other options are default):
options =
MaxIter: Inf
MaxFunEvals: Inf
TimeLimit: 25000
MaxMeshSize: 1024
Display: 'iter'
Cache: 'on'
I use an initial starting point which is seeded based on a subset of the data, and is a vector with magnitude no greater than 54. After running patternsearch, the solution vector it returns is impossibly large: on the order of 10^26.
Based on the algorithm, this should be impossible. You can see the sequence of polls below:
Iter f-count f(x) MeshSize Method
0 1 313483 1
1 13 312984 2 Successful Poll
2 35 312783 4 Successful Poll
3 57 312540 8 Successful Poll
4 81 312348 16 Successful Poll
5 113 311814 32 Successful Poll
6 151 311780 64 Successful Poll
7 189 311772 128 Successful Poll
8 247 267213 256 Successful Poll
9 285 267200 512 Successful Poll
10 323 267197 1024 Successful Poll
11 362 267193 1024 Successful Poll
12 428 266744 1024 Successful Poll
13 467 266733 1024 Successful Poll
14 543 266733 512 Refine Mesh
51 2751 258424 64 Refine Mesh
52 2828 258424 32 Refine Mesh
53 2867 258421 64 Successful Poll
At this point, the run times out and returns the best point to date: a vector with an element on the order to 10^26.
Based on my understanding of patternsearch, the maximal element could be polled would be on the order of 53,000. This implies that patternsearch is somehow polling elements far outside the maximal mesh, which is highly undesirable.
Does anyone have any insight as to why this is occurring? If so, can you suggest any way to address this? I would still like to use this algorithm, because it has desirable properties and is computationally reasonable.
This looks a bit like a bug, like some kind of overflow error, but it's hard to determine why it's happening. If it matters, the optimization function calls a parfor loop using several workers.


Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2016-1-12
The behavior is, in fact, due to the ScaleMesh option being 'on'. I did not realize before how large the ScaleMesh option allowed the step to be as a function of the current size and the current mesh. It turns out that the step can be as large as the mesh size times the current x size, so your x point can grow exponentially even after the mesh size is capped.
To fix, just set the ScaleMesh option to 'off'.
My colleagues and I will be looking into possibly changing this behavior, or at least documenting it more clearly.
Thanks for your very clear report, and again I apologize for taking so long to give you a definitive answer.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
  1 个评论
jgg 2016-1-13
Hi Alan
Thanks for the solution; I've made this change and it looks like it has helped. Appreciate it.


更多回答(1 个)

Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2015-12-29
I am not sure why this is happening. I wonder if you can perform a bit more analysis on the points patternsearch visits, perhaps using a plot function or an output function. I am interested in knowing the evolution of the infinity norm (maximum absolute value) of the current point vector as the iterations progress. You can use the built-in @psplotbestx plot function, and maybe @psplotmeshsize.
You should know that patternsearch by default scales the mesh, a behavior that is controlled by the ScaleMesh option. But I doubt that this would give rise to the behavior you report.
Also, could you please report the exact options call and patternsearch call that you made? Something like
options = psoptimset('MaxIter','Inf',...)
[x,fval] = patternsearch(fun,x0,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,nonlcon,options)
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
  6 个评论
jgg 2016-1-12
Hi Alan
Just wondering if there was an answer or suggestion for this from your team?
Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2016-1-12
The team is still not all back from winter break. I expect an answer in a few days. Sorry for not keeping you informed.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation



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