clear all; clc
rng('default') % Initialized the RNG
a = rand(1,1000);
b = rand(1,1000);
c = rand(1,1000);
y = a*2+b*3+c*5; % Added semicolon
I = [a; b; c;]; % Added semicolon
T = y; % Added semicolon
net = newff([0 1;0 1 ;0 1],[10 1]);
MSE = mse(J1-T)
Op=sim(net,[1 1 1]')
% Warning: NEWFF used in an obsolete
% way.
% > In obs_use at 18
% In newff>create_network at 127
% In newff at 102
% In Untitledgh at 9
% See help for NEWFF to update calls to
% the new argument list.
% MSE = 19.6749
% Op = 1
net = newff( I ,T ,10 ); % Current version
MSE = mse(J1-T)
Op=sim(net,[1 1 1]')
% MSE = 4.4650e-009
% Op = 9.9969
To be sure the obsolete version contains a bug,
Ntrials = 15
for i=1:Ntrials
net = newff([0 1;0 1 ;0 1],[10 1]);
MSE(i) = mse(J1-T);
Op(i)=sim(net,[1 1 1]');
result = [ MSE' OP' ]
% result =
% 19.6749 1.0000
% 19.6749 1.0000
% 19.6749 1.0000
% 19.6749 1.0000
% 19.7560 1.0000
% 19.6749 1.0000
% 19.6749 1.0000
% 19.6749 1.0000
% 19.6749 1.0000
% 19.6749 1.0000
% 19.6749 1.0000
% 19.6749 1.0000
% 22.1988 1.0000
% 19.6749 1.0000
% 19.6749 1.0000
Hope this helps
Thank you for formally accepting my answer