Convert NTP 64 format to date and time

25 次查看(过去 30 天)
Kind all,
I'm parsing some binary files which contains, amongst other things, a NTP64 timestamp. I know that the timestamp should be an UINT64 number for which the first 4 bytes represents seconds from an epoch (in this case 1/1/1900) and the last 4 bytes the fraction of second.
My questions are:
  1. how do I parse it? as 2 UINT32 numbers (first 4 bytes and then remaining bytes)?
  2. how do I convert it to a date and time?


Federico 2016-1-14
编辑:Federico 2016-1-14
Thanks all for the answers, unfortunately, since datetime is not available in my old MATLAB version, I had to follow another way:
- I have read the data as two uint32 as suggested by Star and Guillaume
- I have converted the fraction of seconds to a decimal number between 0 and 1 by dividing it by 2^32 (maximum number representable by a 32 bit integer), as suggested by Walter
- I have summed the seconds to the fraction of seconds, obtaining my total seconds from the epoch
- I have obtained the date number (precise to the milliseconds) by running
date_number = datenum([1900 1 1 0 0 total_seconds])
- I have got the human readable date and time by running
readable_datetime = datestr(date_number)

更多回答(2 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2016-1-8
Without data to test, I’m hesitant to attempt to write code to do the conversion. However, to get a decimal representation of the first 32 bits of a decimal number representing a 64-bit timestamp, this could be:
dbx = dec2bin(x,64);
d32_1 = bin2dec(dbx(1:32));
Beyond that, note that MATLAB date numbers are in terms of days and fractions, so you would need to convert seconds returned from the first 32 bits of the NTP64 timestamp to days and fractions to have them compatible with MATLAB date numbers. MATLAB also begins its date numbers with January 0, 0000, [0000 00 00] so the difference between that and [1900 01 01] would generate your offset to convert them to MATLAB date numbers.
I looked online to see if anyone had posted a MATLAB function to do this conversion, but I was unable to find one.

Guillaume 2016-1-8
Read it as two uint32 bytes, and use the 'ConvertFrom', 'epochtime', 'epoch' constructor option of datetime:
ntp64 = fread(fid, 2, 'uint32');
d = datetime(ntp64(1) + 1/ntp64(2), 'ConvertFrom', 'epochtime', 'epoch', '1900-01-01')
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-1-8
I would expect ntp64(2)/2^32 rather than 1/ntp64(2)
Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins 2016-1-14
Something to consider is that for contemporary timestamps, adding the two pieces together to get a double limits your precision:
>> eps(seconds(datetime('now') - datetime(1900,1,1))) ans = 4.7684e-07
So microseconds at best. Probably the actual accuracy of timestamps from NTP is lower than that, so no worries. But in general, see this other post for a way to retain more precision.



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