How to update a "child" figure?

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a manually generated gui which consists of a parent figure with a number of child figures laid out on uipanels.
If I click something in one of the child figure I can cause something to happen in the parent figure using a figure handle passed to the child figure as an argument when I call the function that creates it.
Is there are way of triggering in the other direction, i.e. once the child has been created, if I click something in the parent figure how do I cause something to happen in the child figure?


Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2012-1-17
Save the handle to the child figure in appdata and set it as necessary:
On click:
hChild = getappdata(hParent,'hChild');
  3 个评论
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2012-1-17
Sure you can save the figure handle in appdata, that's what my above setappdata command did.
doc setappdata/doc getappdata for more info


更多回答(1 个)

Paul Kelly
Paul Kelly 2012-1-18
Thanks Sean, I understood your example but I missed some details.
For anyone who is interested, this is the example I created to check how to do it.
This is the parent GUI
function exampleParentGUI()
% Create the GUI parent
hParent = figure( ...
'Name', 'Parent', ...
'NumberTitle', 'off', ...
'Units', 'pixels', ...
'Position',[200 200 640 480], ...
'MenuBar', 'none', ...
'Resize', 'off');
% Place a button on the parent
uicontrol(hParent, ...
'Style', 'pushbutton', ...
'Units', 'pixels ', ...
'Position', [12, 12, 96, 24], ...
'String', 'Parent action', ...
'Callback', {@callback_ParentAction});
% Allocate an area for the child (normalised units)
childPos = [0 0.5 1 0.5];
createChildPanel(hParent, childPos)
% Grab the function handle for the child function
parentDoSomething = getappdata(hParent, 'childActionFn');
function callback_ParentAction(hObj, ~)
parentAct = ...
sprintf('Someone clicked the %s button\n', get(hObj, 'String'));
and this is the child
function createChildPanel(hParentArg, normalisedPos)
% Create panel
childPanel = uipanel(hParentArg, ...
'Units', 'normalized ', ...
'Position', normalisedPos, ...
'BackgroundColor', 'red');
% Place a button on the child panel
uicontrol(childPanel, ...
'Style', 'pushbutton', ...
'Units', 'pixels ', ...
'Position', [12, 12, 96, 24], ...
'String', 'Child action', ...
'Callback', {@callback_ChildAction});
% Place a static text
hText = uicontrol(childPanel, ...
'Style', 'text', ...
'Units', 'pixels ', ...
'Position', [120, 12, 96*5, 24], ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
'String', 'Nobody has done anything yet');
% Make childDoSomething available to the parent
setappdata(hParentArg, 'childActionFn', @childDoSomething);
function childDoSomething(childAct)
set(hText, 'String', childAct);
function callback_ChildAction(hObj, ~)
actStr = ...
sprintf('Someone clicked the %s button\n', get(hObj, 'String'));


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