Use of Polyspace Bug Finder R2015b and Polyspace Code Prover R2015b in Matlab R2011B.

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Hi ,
I am Chakradhar working with Ford Werke Gmbh, Germany. We have Polyspace license with us which is of version 2015b.
As we are using Matlab R2011b in our project, is it possible to use the polyspace 2015b in matlab 2011b?
I am trying to launch the polyspace application through matlab 2011b command, but not able to pass the arguments like language, includes and other options. This can be possible in Matlab 2015b. I have tested it.
I can understand as matlab and polyspace both are same version, it works in 2015b, since in my case matlab is 2011b and polyspace is 2015b so it doesnt.
I know one possible way, open the polyspace launcher manually and force the c and h files with some manual settings for compiler and misra guidlines and run.
I would like to have a m-script so that user can run the script and it has to run the polyspace tool and explore the result. My questions is, is it possible to incorporate the new version of polyspace with old version of matlab? If so, could you please guide me how to do it.
As i am quite familiar with Matlab M-scripting, it wouldn't be too difficult to implement if you can guide me.
Appreciate your help. Thanks for your anticipation.
Regards, T Chakradhar Reddy

回答(1 个)

Alexandre De Barros
Hi !
Polyspace is integrated to Matlab since the version R2013b. Before this release, the Polyspace products were available on a difference CD, so really separated from Matlab.
There is then no command in R2011b to call Polyspace from Matlab.
But what you can do is to call Polyspace as a system command thanks to the 'system' function of Matlab. Polyspace can indeed be called in command line, by executing the binary Matlab_root\polyspace\bin\polyspace-code-prover-nodesktop.exe followed by the verification options.
Use the -h option of polyspace-code-prover-nodesktop.exe to see the list of possible options.
And please refer to this page to know more about how to launch Polyspace in command line.

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