gaussian probability function matlab

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
hi, guys. Suppose i have Gaussian variable X and mean 'u' and 'σ^2', how do i use efrc to find the probability
thank you for the help


Star Strider
Star Strider 2016-1-25
From the documentation, the erf function could be preferable:
u = 0.5; % Create Data
s = 0.2;
x = 0.8;
v = (x-u)/(s*sqrt(2));
p = (1 + erf(v))/2 % Use ‘erf’
q = normcdf(x, u, s) % Check With ‘normcdf’
p =
q =
  2 个评论
Star Strider
Star Strider 2016-1-25
Using erfc needs only slightly different code (again from the documentation) to produce the same result:
u = 0.5; % Create Data
s = 0.2;
x = 0.8;
v = (x-u)/(s*sqrt(2));
p = erfc(-v)/2 % Use ‘erfc’
q = normcdf(x, u, s) % Check With ‘normcdf’
p =
q =
Star Strider
Star Strider 2016-1-26
My pleasure.
Please do not use mean as a variable name! It is an important MATLAB function that you will want to use later. Using it as a variable ‘overshadows’ its use as a function, so you won’t be able to use the function.
If the noise is normally distributed with a known mean and standard deviation, you would use the erfc code in my previous Comment to find the probability. That’s how I would calculate it, anyway.


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