Knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming

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I wrote a matlab code to solve a knapsack problem and can get the optimal value of the knapsack but I am trying to figure out how to return the list of items that would lead to this optimal value. Can anyone help me see an easy way to do this?
global N w r c items;
N=3; % number of different items to chose from
w = [3,8,5]; % weights of each item
r = [4,6,5]; % value of each item
c = 8; % total weight that can be carried
V = Val(1,c)
function V = Val(k,b)
global N w r;
% N - number of different items
% w - array of weights for each item
% r - array of values for each item
m = floor(b/w(k)); % determine max number of item k for budget b
p = 0:m; % array of possible numbers of each item given budget b
if k==N
V = max(r(k)*p); % base case
temp = zeros(1,length(p));
% recursion step
for n=1:length(p)
% value of k+1 item given budget remaining if p number of item k is
% used
temp(n) = Val(k+1,b-w(k)*p(n));
V = max(r(k)*p + temp);
  2 个评论
Hamed Hafizi
Hamed Hafizi 2018-10-19
Hello every one I am really seeing how to coding unbounded knapsack( to take one item more than one) in Matlab, is there anyone to code this type of knapsack in Matlab?



Kiran 2016-2-12
Check following link for complete implementation of 0/1 Knapsack problem on MATLAB central.
  2 个评论
Adam Stevens
Adam Stevens 2016-2-12
编辑:Walter Roberson 2016-2-12
Thanks Kiran,
I was also able to figure out my example which is not just 0/1 (can be any non-negative integer). I added a matrix to memoize the values as they were determined. Then go forward with the first answer to the last looking up answers in the memo table. (The only thing I don't like about it is my use of for loops. It would be nice to have a vectorized solution.) Here is my code:
clear all;
global N w r c memo;
N = 3; % number of different items to chose from
w = [3,8,5]; % weights of each item
r = [4,6,5]; % value of each item
c = 8; % total weight that can be carried
memo = [];
V = Val(1,c)
items = zeros(1,N);
for k=1:N
items(k) = memo(find(memo(:,1)==k & memo(:,2)==b,1),3);
function V = Val(k,b)
global N w r memo;
% N - number of different items
% w - array of weights for each item
% r - array of values for each item
m = floor(b/w(k)); % determine max number of item k for budget b
p = 0:m; % array of possible numbers of each item given budget b
if k==N
[V,idx] = max(r(k)*p); % base case
memo = [memo; [k,b,p(idx)]];
temp = zeros(1,length(p));
for n=1:length(p)
% value of k+1 item given budget if p number of item k used
temp(n) = Val(k+1,b-w(k)*p(n));% recursion step
[V,idx] = max(r(k)*p + temp);
memo = [memo; [k,b,p(idx)]];
Hamed Hafizi
Hamed Hafizi 2018-10-19
I am really seeing how to coding unbounded knapsack( to take one item more than one) in Matlab, is there anyone to code this type of knapsack in Matlab?


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