Speeding up ODE for long time spans

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hey, I am trying to solve an no-stiff ODE, describing laser cavity with an external modulated injection. I would like to solve it for large time spans and hence, would like suggestion on optimizing my code as much as possible.
So as said before, I am solving a set of two coupled ODE, using ODE45. With an modulated input( which is a bessel filtered square wave). I wish to solve the differential equation for a span of about 10^6 times the time period of input function. I am attaching the code below. Using the profiler, I have tried to optimise as much as possible, by playing around with relative tolerances, absolute tolerances, clearing unnecessary variables etc.
%global variable to be shared between this and the ODE function handle
global R1 A_fr del_om omega1 psi1 del_N kappa A_0 sq_fun t1 f;
%%Computing steady state parameters
A_fr= sqrt(( J-(gamma_n*N_th))/gamma_p);
r1=roots([1 -(2*(kappa/gamma_p)*A_fr*cos(psi1)) -A_fr^2 -(gamma_n*2*kappa*A_fr*cos(psi1)/(gamma_p*g)) ]);
A_0= r1(r1>=0.999*A_fr);
del_N=-2*kappa*A_fr/A_0/g*cos(psi1);%matrix elements
%%Setting ODE options
options =odeset('RelTol',1e-3,'AbsTol',[1e-2,1e-2]);
%%Frequency of input function
%%Defining Time span, corresponds to 5 Cycles of the input signal
%%Creating a lookup table for the ODE solver
%bessel filtering
%the required square function
sq_fun=filter(bz,az,1.5*square(omega1*t1));%(m*square(omega1*t1)) tsmovavg((m*square(omega1*t1)),'e',15)
%interpolating to create a lookup table
%calling the ODE solver with steady state as initial conditions
[t,Z] = ode45(@leqn_solver_fun4,[0 T],[A_0*exp(1i*psi1) N_th+del_N],options);%
I have commented appropriately, please do comment/suggest where I could cut corners, so that when I am dealing with large time spans I can save considerable amount of computational time. I am also attaching the ode solver function and parameter file. So, far for the script written below, I have been able to optimize it to about 3.1 sec, for 5 input cycles.
  1 个评论
yassine chafiq
yassine chafiq 2016-11-10
Hi Arjun Lyer , i'm working on the optical in injection laser, i want to know if y resolve your problem? Thank's


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