Rotate 3D lines in subplots. How do I use camorbit in subplots ?

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So if I plot a (single) random 3d plot, I can rotate it using the following syntax: %% line3d=randn(20,3); %%Create a line coordinate figure, plot3(line3d(:,1),line3d(:,2),line3d(:,3)); %Plots the line coordinate while true; camorbit(1,-.1,'y'); drawnow; end %Rotates the line as I wanted %%
However, it gets tricky when I get subplots as it only rotates the last (or selected) subplot or if I use a while loop, it doesn't do it simultaneously: %% for ii=1:4 %Initializing the line3d in subplots subplot(2,2,ii); line3d=randn(20,3); figure, plot3(line3d(:,1),line3d(:,2),line3d(:,3)); %Plots the line coordinate end ---> ??? How do I rotate all the subplots now?
%% Any advice on how to re


Mike Garrity
Mike Garrity 2016-2-10
编辑:Mike Garrity 2016-2-10
Subplot returns a handle to an axes. Camorbit accepts a handle to an axes. So you can connect them together like so:
ax = gobjects(1,4);
for j=1:4
ax(j) = subplot(2,2,j);
while true
for j=1:numel(ax)

更多回答(1 个)

Rodrigo Perea
Rodrigo Perea 2016-2-11
Great, thank you! It does what I wanted but the rendering is slow probably because my subplots contain too much data (or I am using plot3 instead of surf)? Anyhow is there any way I can make the transition smoother? Probably leading a a related question on how to treating all subplots as a single plot? Thanks you though! Rodrigo


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