need help with neural network

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
i'm working on a M file (script) to run neural network training for several time (10 times each) and i want to save the neural network results concerning MSE and Regression R coefficient for the Training and Validation and test data i want to know how to write a code to save the neural results??
  1 个评论
amro mahran
amro mahran 2012-1-24
I want to know the code of the function that calculate the MSE and Rcoefficient



Léon 2012-1-24
The solution to your problem should be a simple loop. Meaning that you put your relevant ANN code in that loop and save the output each time. Like the following
MSE_all = zeros(10,1); % preallocate space to the vector for all MSE values
R_all = zeros(10,1); % see above
for i = 10
% here goes your ANN training code
MSE_all(i) = MSE; % MSE means here the needed output by the ANN that should
% be stored
R_all(i) = R; % see above
  1 个评论
amro mahran
amro mahran 2012-1-24
Thanks for your help
but please i want to know the MSE function and the R function that is used


更多回答(2 个)

Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2012-1-25
Many examples of code that computes and saves Ntrials values of MSE and R^2 (coefficient of determination) can be obtained by searching the Newsgroup with the search words
heath Ntrials
Hope this helps
  1 个评论
amro mahran
amro mahran 2012-1-25
I tried to understand Newsgroup results but i' m a beginner
i'm using the Plotreg() function to determine the Regression R coefficient as follow
is it right or not????
and for the MSE i use:
Is it wright ???


Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2012-1-29
If you have source access try this:
type mse
type postreg
Hope this helps.


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