How to find unique values

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Hi! I have the cell array of strings 'a' (attached): it's composed by 65 rows and 9 columns. For every columns, I want to find the values repeated only one time. The final result must be a cell array of strings with 9 columns that contains these values:
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8 Column9
4 2 1 1 1 3 2 32 2
3 3 2 3 1 4
4 4 2
Can you help me? thanks


Star Strider
Star Strider 2016-2-18
编辑:Star Strider 2016-2-18
The ‘Uvals’ array should have the information you want:
D = load('cat cat matlab2.mat');
a = D.a;
non_empty = cellfun(@(x)~isempty(x), a);
[r,c] = find(non_empty);
for k1 = 1:max(c)
idx = r(c == k1);
vals = a(idx,k1);
Uvals{k1} = unique(vals); % Unique Values

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