Please help!!! >> MSSQLconn Error using MSSQLconn (line 58) Not enough input arguments.

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function [Out, Settings] = MSSQLconn(employee_attendance, userpassmethod, varargin)
%------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % CHECK part %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% 1. # of inputs narginchk(1,5)
% 2. dbname if ~ischar(employee_attendance); error('MSSQLconn:strFmt', 'dbname must be char'); end
% 3. userpassmethod if nargin == 1 isempty(userpassmethod); method = '-default'; elseif iscell(userpassmethod) method = '-cell'; else method = userpassmethod; end winAuth = 'false'; user = ''; pass = ''; % Default values switch method case '-default' % Use default values case '-cell' if numel(userpassmethod) == 2 % [1] IF 2 cells user = userpassmethod{1}; pass = userpassmethod{2}; if ~isempty(user) && ischar(user) && isempty(pass) % [2] IF pass empty while isempty(pass) pass = inputdlg('Supply password: ', 'Empty not admitted',1); pass = pass{:}; end elseif ~isempty(pass) && ischar(pass) && isempty(user) % [2] IF user empty while isempty(user) user = inputdlg('Supply username: ', 'Empty not admitted',1); user = user{:}; end end else error('MSSQLconn:upmFmt', 'userpassmethod wrong format'); end case '-win' if any(str2double(struct2cell(ver('database'))) < 3.5) ; error('MSSQLconn:wauMth', 'Feature unavailable for Database Toolbox release older than 3.5 (R2008b)') else winAuth = 'true'; end case '-manual' while isempty(user) isempty(pass) userpass = inputdlg({'Supply username: '; 'Supply password: '}, 'ENTER BOTH',1,{'',''},'on'); user = userpass{1}; pass = userpass{2}; end end
% 4. Oldver IDXo = strcmp('-old',varargin); if any(IDXo) drv = ''; else drv = ''; end
% 5. Port IDXn = cellfun(@isnumeric,varargin); if nnz(IDXn) == 1 && mod(varargin{IDXn},1) == 0 port = num2str(varargin{IDXn}); elseif nnz(IDXn) > 1 error('MSSQLconn:prtFmt', 'Only one numeric integer port is accepted') else port = '1433'; end
% 6. Server IDXs = cellfun(@ischar, varargin) & ~IDXo; if any(IDXs); server = varargin{IDXs}; else server = 'localhost'; end
%------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ENGINE part %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Url concatenation URL = ['jdbc:sqlserver://' server ':' port ';database=' employee_attendance ';integratedSecurity=' winAuth ';'];
% Set connection timeout (s) logintimeout(drv, 10);
% Connect Out = database('', user, pass, drv, URL);
% Settings if nargout == 2 Settings = cell2struct({employee_attendance; user; drv; server; port; ~strcmp(winAuth,';');Out.Message},... {'databaseName'; 'user'; 'driver'; 'server'; 'port'; 'windowsAuthentication'; 'errorMsg'}); end
% [1] IF connected if isconnection(Out) % Initialize Status Status = '.'; % [2] IF readonly if isreadonly(Out); Status = ' in "READONLY" mode.'; end % [2] % Display connection status sprintf('Connected%s', Status) else % [1] IF not connected % Display error error('MSSQLconn:conInv',Out.Message) end % [1]

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