How to link the contain of one push button to another in MatLab GUI?

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Hi, May i know how to link the contain in listbox to another push button? For instance, I have selected the com port and there for the com port will be used to connect using the command serial ('COM'), may i know how can i do so?Meaning i choose from the listbox which COM i going to use then will automatically link to the command serial('COM') to connect?Thanks in advance for your kind help.


Matt Fig
Matt Fig 2011-3-8
In the callback for the pushbutton, get the string and value of the listbox and use the value as an index into the string.
C = get(listboxhandle,{'string','value'}); % Use correct handle
chosen_comport = C{1}(C{2}); % The com port string name
% Here call SERIAL or whatever with chosen_comport argument.

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