How to cache data while in for loop

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Hey everybody,
so I have a Simulink simulation where I vary a parameter
for i=1:length(parameter)
Input_var=parameter(i) % input for simulation
sim(modelname) % simulate the model
sim_out_store(:,i)=sim_out(:,1) % sim_out is a "to workbench" output in the simulation
But all I get is this error "Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch." How can I fix this? I just want to save the results after every simulation before it gets overridden in the next loop cycle.


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-3-27
Probably sim_out is sometimes empty. You cannot store empty results in a numeric array. Use a cell array instead.
sim_out_store{i} = sim_out(:,1);

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