How to remove the obvious latency in simulink desktop real-time target when using "Stream input" block for UDP network communication

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this is the screen capture of my simulink file. When I run this system in real-time mode, I find that there is obvious latency in the system response which can be clearly seen from the scope. That is, when I made a change in my sensor, this change can be saw in the scope after about 1 second. 1 sec latency is very large for my system that is unacceptable.
Moreover, I make a program using Visual Studio for doing the same works as what are shown in the above figure. Everything is well. No latency at all.
After testing, I am sure that it is the "stream input" block that causes the latency.
How to remove the latency in the "Stream input" block? Thank you.
The configuration of the "stream input" is shown below

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