Programmatic UI Toolbar Issues/Questions: rotate3d does not refresh until un-clicked + others

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I am including my MWE below (requires GUI layout toolbox). I have a programmatic UI that will do a scatter3 plot in one section. I have included the figure toolbar so that I might be able to zoom and rotate the scatter plot. This lead to several questions, of which I have found only partial answers in the documentation/forums. I am asking them all here since the same MWE should function for all questions.
1) When I use the rotate3d tool from the menu bar, and then rotate my plot, the plot disappears and does not refresh. It will reappear once I have deselected the rotate3d uitoggle. Why? How can I avoid this? It really ruins the usefulness of rotating my scatter plot. Note that this still happens when accessing rotate3d programmatically: e.g. rotate3d(gui.ViewAxes), so building my own custom toolbar will not fix this.
Now, the plot also disappears when I hit the colorbar button, and reappears when deselected. Which leads to the next two questions:
(2) I want to eliminate a bunch of the buttons from the toolbar but keep zoom, pan, and rotate3d. This is simple in GUIDE, but I wish to do it programmatically. Is the only way really to either A) build an entire custom toolbar or B) go through the whole findall/delete procedure for every unwanted button?
(3) The toolbar really should be attached to the plot axes, not the full figure. I know I have read some Jan Simon responses that this is not possible, though there are some FEX workarounds. However, I may wind up with multiple axes on the same UI which I want to save as e.g. .png files independently. The save pushbutton currently saves the entire figure. I would nominally want a save button for each individual axes. I do not like the idea of opening a new figure for every single axes if the controls and both axes are closely related.
Please, no responses suggesting I go back to GUIDE.
MWE below.
function gui = guiTest
gui = struct();
% Initialize Window
scrsz = get(groot,'ScreenSize');
gui.Window = figure( ...
'Name', 'A Test Window', ...
'NumberTitle', 'off', ...
'MenuBar', 'none', ...
'Toolbar', 'Figure', ...
'HandleVisibility', 'off',...
'OuterPosition', [3*scrsz(4)/4 scrsz(4)/2 scrsz(3)/2 scrsz(4)/2]);
% Create Main Layout
mainLayout = uiextras.HBoxFlex(...
% Left Side Control Panel
controlPanel = uiextras.BoxPanel(...
'Title','Controls go here');
% Right Side Plotting
gui.ViewPanel = uiextras.BoxPanel(...
'Parent', mainLayout,...
'Title','Axes Panel Name');
% Relative sizes of main layout sections
set(mainLayout, 'Sizes', [-1 -2]);
%Right Side Plotting %
gui.ViewAxes = axes(...
X = rand(100,1); Y = rand(100,1); Z = rand(100,1);
scatter3(X,Y,Z,'Parent',gui.ViewAxes); axis(gui.ViewAxes, 'equal');
  1 个评论
D. Plotnick
D. Plotnick 2016-3-30
Note, Robert helpfully reminded me to switch my 'HandleVisibility' back to 'on' regarding some other issues I had been having with this MWE. That does not solve the rotate3d issue.



D. Plotnick
D. Plotnick 2016-3-31
编辑:D. Plotnick 2016-3-31
Ok, so I have a kludged together solution that I am going with for now. If anyone else has a better idea, please let me know.
The issue is the azimuth/elevation numeric readout. In a vanilla Matlab figure it displays as a tiny bar in the bottom left hand corner of the plot, and only while the mouse is depressed. It creates the Az/El indicator using a uicontrol, which the GUI Layout Toolbox interprets as I should have expected. Using BoxPanel as I did above, rotate3d superposes the numeric readout on top of the actual scatterplot.
This can be solved by saving a custom rotate3d tool that simply comments out line 456 of the original; 'localCreateAzElIndicator'. I may modify it further in future so that it appears parented to the axes, not to the figure, but this method works fine for now.

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