object tracking using kalman filter how should i implement particle swarm optimization code

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clc; close all; clear all; video = VideoReader('address1.avi'); %in place of aviread %nframes = length(video); nframes=video.NumberOfFrames; for i=1:nframes mov(i).cdata=read(video,i) %creating '.cdata' field to avoid much changes to previous code end temp = zeros(size(mov(1).cdata)); [M,N] = size(temp(:,:,1)); for i = 1:10 temp = double(mov(i).cdata) + temp; end imbkg = temp/10;centroidx = zeros(nframes,1); centroidy = zeros(nframes,1); predicted = zeros(nframes,4); actual = zeros(nframes,4); R=[[0.2845,0.0045]',[0.0045,0.0455]']; H=[[1,0]',[0,1]',[0,0]',[0,0]']; Q=0.01*eye(4); P = 100*eye(4); dt=1; A=[[1,0,0,0]',[0,1,0,0]',[dt,0,1,0]',[0,dt,0,1]']; kfinit = 0; th = 38; for i=1:nframes imshow(mov(i).cdata); hold on imcurrent = double(mov(i).cdata); diffimg = zeros(M,N); diffimg = (abs(imcurrent(:,:,1)-imbkg(:,:,1))>th) ... | (abs(imcurrent(:,:,2)-imbkg(:,:,2))>th) ... | (abs(imcurrent(:,:,3)-imbkg(:,:,3))>th); labelimg = bwlabel(diffimg,4); markimg = regionprops(labelimg,['basic']); [MM,NN] = size(markimg); for nn = 1:MM if markimg(nn).Area > markimg(1).Area tmp = markimg(1); markimg(1)= markimg(nn); markimg(nn)= tmp; end end bb = markimg(1).BoundingBox; xcorner = bb(1); ycorner = bb(2); xwidth = bb(3); ywidth = bb(4); cc = markimg(1).Centroid; centroidx(i)= cc(1); centroidy(i)= cc(2); hold on rectangle('Position',[xcorner ycorner xwidth ywidth],'EdgeColor','b'); hold on plot(centroidx(i),centroidy(i), 'bx'); kalmanx = centroidx(i)- xcorner; kalmany = centroidy(i)- ycorner;
if kfinit == 0 predicted =[centroidx(i),centroidy(i),0,0]' ; else predicted = A*actual(i-1,:)'; end kfinit = 1; Ppre = A*P*A' + Q; K = Ppre*H'/(H*Ppre*H'+R); actual(i,:) = (predicted + K*([centroidx(i),centroidy(i)]' - H*predicted))'; P = (eye(4)-K*H)*Ppre; hold on rectangle('Position',[(actual(i,1)-kalmanx)... (actual(i,2)-kalmany) xwidth ywidth],'EdgeColor','r','LineWidth',1.5); hold on plot(actual(i,1),actual(i,2), 'rx','LineWidth',1.5); drawnow; end

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