constructing a bipartite graph from 0/1 matrix

17 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a 0/1 matrix H of size m by n. I want to create a bipartite graph G such that:
G has m+n vertices. One partition of G contains m vertices (corresponding to rows). Another partition contains n vertices (corresponding to columns). There will be an edge between i(from partition 1) and j (from partition 2) if H(i,j)=1 . Please suggest some approach. thanks


Mike Garrity
Mike Garrity 2016-4-6
Perhaps something like this?
% Make a random MxN adjacency matrix
m = 3
n = 5
a = rand(m,n)>.25;
% Expand out to symmetric (M+N)x(M+N) matrix
big_a = [zeros(m,m), a;
a', zeros(n,n)];
g = graph(big_a);
% Plot
h = plot(g);
% Make it pretty
h.XData(1:m) = 1;
h.XData((m+1):end) = 2;
h.YData(1:m) = linspace(0,1,m);
h.YData((m+1):end) = linspace(0,1,n);
  3 个评论
Josh Carmichael
Josh Carmichael 2020-12-4
Mike already decomposed the graph, it was the big_a command.
Chetan Annam
Chetan Annam 2021-7-14
I don't understand how this h.XData, h.YData works. Please help me.


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