export numeric array to ASCII file using save

129 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everyone
I want to export matlab data ASCII file. I used save my_data.out A -ASCII and it worked fine. Note that my_data.out is the name of file after converting. The problem that I faced off is that i have multiple file names to convert to .out and i want to have different file names like my_data_1.out, my_data2.out (it is more than 1200 files). I don't want to manually do it one by one.
is there a way to do it? Please helps. Thanks


Guillaume 2016-4-6
编辑:Guillaume 2016-4-6
Of course, there's a way to do it. Computers are particularly good at repeating the same task over and over.
It's not clear what variable you want to export to these 1200 or more files. Assuming you have a loop that creates a different A 1200 times
for fileidx = 1:1200
A = somefunctionthatcreateA();
save(sprintf('my_data_%04d.out', fileidx), 'A', '-ascii');
The important bit is the sprintf call to create the file name dynamically. The %04d in the formatspec converts the file index into a number string of 4 digits padded with zeros if necessary.

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