I found the answer. Here's a simplified, better explanation of what I am doing:
IncrementInstances= int8(abs(testOffsetStart-testOffsetFinish)/.01);
toothCount = zeros (numel(A),IncrementInstances);
%numel(A) defines number of rows, IncrementInstances defines # of columns.
%toothCount needs to be preallocated beforehand, otherwise you will get a index out of bounds error
toothColumn = 1; % the starting column value of the toothCount matrix
for i = testOffsetStart:.01:testOffsetFinish
for j=1:numel(B)
if(%Conditional here. Not included for certain reasons)
clear tmpVec; %release values from last evaluation;
tempVec=(%insert same conditional here);
toothCount((find(tmpVec==1)), toothColumn)=toothCount((find(tmpVec==1)), toothColumn)+ones(size(find(tmpVec==1)));
%do more stuff here if desired
The above matrix will return a count at each of the given indexes in which A happened to pass the conditional for each offset. If anyone needs a better explanation, please let me know.
In other words, it creates a new column consisting of the 1D toothCount vector, except each column of the toothCount matrix refers to a specific offset.