I just plot(t,h) for single data and I dont know how to plot all at once because every time I change the steptime the h and t are different with previous run
How to keep all runs in one file or save it somewhere else to plot it later
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I have to run 5 samples at different step time and plot h vs t
example : steptime = 1 for the first run for i = 0:steptime:10 ...... formula to calculate h and t
and plot h vs t
then let steptime = 2 for second run .
...... plot h vs t ..
is there a way to keep all this data in the same file to plot all of them in the same graph or how to save each data in separate folder and combine all in one. When I save my data it is under .mat type and my operation on the computer is Linux .
are you looking for hold on and hold off?
>> plot(1:10)
>> hold on
>> plot(rand(5))
>> hold off
3 个评论
I am not sure if I understand it correctly. I assume you do something like this:
count = 0;
for i=1:1:10
count = count + 1;
t(count) = i;
h(count) = i*t(count)^2 + i
hold on
t = []
h = []
count = 0;
for i=1:2:10
count = count + 1;
t(count) = i^2;
h(count) = i*sqrt(t(count)) + i
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