How can i determine error in matlab by using error loop without try catch or other loops?

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My code only includes numbers. If someone donot gives a numbers in input, this code shows screen like ERROR but code should continue to work Thanks,


Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2016-4-30
编辑:Azzi Abdelmalek 2016-4-30
a=input('enter a number N','s')
if isempty(b)
'presse any key to cotinue'

更多回答(1 个)

ahmet ozdemir
ahmet ozdemir 2016-4-30
Thanks for comment. Actually, it is not empty. For example Enter the number:4+5 9 Enter the number:4-9 -5 Enter the number:4+ (((()))) ERROR Enter the number:h+4 ERROR
If input includes h and empty parenthesis, this code will gives error. I finished all steps but i didnot do error part


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