How can i collect number without using eval function ?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I try to use int2str and num2str which didnot compute the problem. However, it computed ans = 51 43 50 If I give 3+2, it should compute 5 and show the screen which one can be defined ? What is something? Like example:
Number=input('Enter Number please:','s')
  4 个评论
CS Researcher
CS Researcher 2016-5-2
@ahmet ozdemir: Did you see my recent solution? It does what you are asking for.



CS Researcher
CS Researcher 2016-5-2
编辑:CS Researcher 2016-5-2
You can try something like this:
in = input('Please enter a number:','s');
s = strsplit(in,'+');
result = sum(str2double(s));
  3 个评论
CS Researcher
CS Researcher 2016-5-2
编辑:CS Researcher 2016-5-2
If it works you should accept my solution. You can update it to work for any operation. I will give you the solution to a basic 2 input problem:
in = input('Please enter a number:','s');
s = strsplit(in,'-');
result = -1*diff(str2double(s));
This will however only work for a basic subtraction. You should take it forward and modify it according to your need.
ahmet ozdemir
ahmet ozdemir 2016-5-2
Thanks for the answer. I fixed it for my needs and I accepted your solution.


更多回答(2 个)

Stephen23 2016-5-2
编辑:Stephen23 2016-5-2
The safest and most versatile:
num = str2double(input('Please enter a number:','s'));

CS Researcher
CS Researcher 2016-5-2
You mean something like this:
Number=input('Enter Number please:','s');
eval(['result = ' Number])
  3 个评论
Stephen23 2016-5-2
1) the title states clearly "without using eval function"
2) eval should be avoided for many reasons. In this case it could be a security risk because it executes arbitrary code from the end user.



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