How to embed Simulink Object Scope into gui?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to embed the scope of my simulink in to my GUI.Can any one please help me to do that. Thanks

回答(1 个)

Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva 2011-3-10
You can't embed the simulink scope but you can use this Simulink Signal Viewing using Event Listeners and a MATLAB UI or just get the simulation data after the simulation has finished and plot it in your GUI.
  2 个评论
Pasindu Wijesekara
Pasindu Wijesekara 2011-3-10
Thank you for your answer and actually I am doing my final year project about GUI for WiMAX simulink.It is used an Spectrum Scope.I used this example but unable to find a propper way for it.I am new to Matlab and its quit difficult to go through this.And I also try this example;
but it also little bit confusing me.I want to display the real time Spectrum Scope, display on my GUI. Its better if you can give me a proper way to fix this if it is possible.
Thank You.
Guy Rouleau
Guy Rouleau 2011-3-11
In my opinion, the answer by Paul is the best way to pass data between a Simulink model and MATLAB GUI


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