How can I make a transition when a variable does not change its value?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a stateflow chart that has a signal from a signal builder block as its input. I want to have a transition between two states that when two conditions happen:
  • The signal has its value below a threshold.
  • The signal value has not changed by a factor of delta for T seconds
Does anyone have any idea how do I do that?


Swarooph 2016-5-4
One way to do this would be to use some sort of an intermediate state to toggle between the condition. See screenshot at the end of the post.
For (1) use a < symbol and a threshold value. Use the OR operator ('||') to check for an interval.
e.g. screenshot of logic below:

更多回答(1 个)

zhihui diao
zhihui diao 2016-5-26
编辑:zhihui diao 2016-5-26
or you can build a time counter inter the second state use "during" sytax


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