difference between load and xlsread

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi! could someone explain me the difference between load and xlsread? also, how can I create a document that could be used with the command "load" in the future. Thanks!


CS Researcher
CS Researcher 2016-5-4
Short Answer:
'load' is to load a .mat file to the workspace whereas 'xlsread' is to read Excel Spreadsheets.
  2 个评论
San E
San E 2016-5-4
thanks! and how do I make mat files? sorry for such basic questions
CS Researcher
CS Researcher 2016-5-5
When you save the workspace in MATLAB, it is saved as a .mat file. Once you load that .mat file back, it loads all the variables back to the workspace. You can also save selected variables from the workspace to a .mat file. You can find more here: Save Workspace


更多回答(1 个)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2016-5-4


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