Cant get array to be named something else

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Hi we have this script below but the only problem is that we can't get the function to be named anything other than'ans'which gives us problems later. Any help would be appreciated.Thank you
function [ ten ] = llen( data )
% This function takes an input array of time values, latitude values and longitude
% values, calculates the corresponding easting and northing values and
% outputs them as a horizontally concatenated array. Output = [time, east, north]
% Datum: WGS 84
% Input variables
t = data(:, 1); % time (first column)
lat = data(:, 2); % latitude (second column)
long = data(:, 3); % longitude (third column)
% All values taken from the 'Modified Longitude & Latitude' spreadsheet
% Datum Constants
a = 6378137; % equitorial radius
b = 6356752.31; % polar radius
k0 = 0.9996; % scale factor
e = sqrt(1-(b/a)^2); % eccentricity
e1sq = e^2/(1-e^2); % eccentricity prime squared
n = (a-b)/(a+b); % constant
% Meridional Arc Constants
A0 = a*(1-n+(5*n^2*1/4)*(1-n)+(81*n^4*1/64)*(1-n));
B0 = (3*a*n*1/2)*(1-n-(7*n^2*1/8)*(1-n)+(55*n^4*1/64));
C0 = (15*a*n^2*1/16)*(1-n+(3*n^2*1/4)*(1-n));
D0 = (35*a*n^3*1/48)*(1-n+(11*n^2*1/16));
E0 = (315*a*n^4*1/51)*(1-n);
% Calculation Constant
Sin1 = pi/(180*3600);
% Prerequisite Calculations
LZ = 31 + floor(long./6); % Long Zone
CM = 6.*(LZ)-183; % Long Zone CM
delta = (long - CM).*0.36; % Delta Long (sec)
z = (lat)*pi/180; % Latitude in radians
nu = a/((1-(e*sin(z)).^2).^(1/2)); % rcurv 2
% Calculating Meridional Arc 'S'
S = A0.*z - B0.*sin(2.*z) + C0.*sin(4.*z) - D0.*sin(6.*z) + E0.*sin(8.*z); % Meridional Arc
% UTM Coefficients
Ki = S.*k0;
Kii = nu*sin(z).*cos(z).*Sin1.^2*k0*(100000000)./2;
Kiii = ((Sin1.^4*nu*sin(z).*cos(z).^3)./24).*(5-tan(z).^2+9*e1sq.*cos(z).^2+4*e1sq.^2.*cos(z).^4)*k0*
Kiv = nu*cos(z)*Sin1*k0*10000;
Kv =(Sin1*cos(z)).^3*(nu/6)*(1-tan(z).^2+e1sq*cos(z).^2)*k0*(1000000000000);
% Final Easting and Northing Calculations
easting = 500000 + (Kiv.*delta+Kv.*delta.^3); % Easting Calculation
rawnorthing = Ki + Kii.*delta.^2+Kiii.*delta.^4; % Raw Northing Calculation
if (rawnorthing < 0) %
northing = 10000000 + Ki + Kii.*delta.^2+Kiii.*delta.^4; % Conditional Northing Calculation
else %
northing = rawnorthing; %
end %
% Output final array
ten = [t easting northing] % Horizontally concatenate data and output it


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-5-18
VariableNameThatYouWant = llen(TheInputData);
  2 个评论
jack knipler
jack knipler 2016-5-18
Thank you, which line would i add this into?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-5-18
"we can't get the function to be named anything other than'ans'which gives us problems later"
You must have code that invokes llen now, perhaps something like
num = xlsread('SomeFile.xlsx');
You would change that to
num = xlsread('SomeFile.xlsx');
VariableThatYouWant = llen(num);


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