How to show area on image?

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Ayesha ch
Ayesha ch 2016-5-22
评论: Ayesha ch 2016-5-24
Hi, I'm using region props to calculate area,convex hull and euler number of every component in an image, but I don't know which element of the resulting array corresponds to which component. Is there a way that I could display the area of each component on the image as it is very confusing for me to find out which component is in column 1 or 2. Any help would be appreciated.

回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016-5-22
Note how I ask regionprops for the centroids and then I use text() to place a label at each centroid. That's one way. If you were thinking of something else, like overlaying a colored patch or outline, let me know.
  1 个评论
Ayesha ch
Ayesha ch 2016-5-24
Thank you so much for such a fast reply. I'm having a little difficulty understanding the text function. As I'm trying to display the area I tried
allAreas = [cvx.Area];
for k = 1 : size(allAreas) % Loop through all blobs. text(double(allAreas(k)) + labelShiftX, num2str(k), 'FontSize', textFontSize, 'FontWeight', 'Bold');
But I'm getting an error that first three must be double values. Am I supposed to give x and y co ordinates too and how? Kindly explain


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