Complex multiplication giving wrong answer

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to extract positive sequence currents using method of symmetrical components .However I am getting wrong answer. The following is my test code.
P1=[1 a a^2]
%Balanced Voltages and Unbalanced Currents
V1=(1/3)*P1*[Va Vb Vc]'
Though V1 and Va1 should be same, I am getting different answers. Please tell me whats wrong in the calculation of V1 ( Va1 calculation method gives correct answer)


Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford 2016-5-30
编辑:Stephen23 2016-5-30
The trouble lies in the line
V1=(1/3)*P1*[Va Vb Vc]'
You should have used this:
V1=(1/3)*P1*[Va Vb Vc].
As you have written it, [Va Vb Vc]' not only takes the transpose of [Va Vb Vc], it also changes each element to its complex conjugate, which you don’t want in this example. Read about it at:

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