Error in builnding model on Arduino

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Valerio 2012-2-12
评论: phuc huynh 2018-5-28
Hi everybody, I'm trying to build a very simply model on arduino mega 2560 board to move a servoactuator. When I press 'Build' it stops the procedure because of this error:
The corresponding 'msfun_arduino_servowrite.tlc' file for the MATLAB S-function 'msfun_arduino_servowrite' in block 'provaservu/Servo Write' must be located in the current working directory, the MATLAB S-function directory 'C:\Users\Valerio\Desktop\Tesi\Arduino0022-mavlink1.0\Arduino_simulink\demos', or the directory 'C:\Users\Valerio\Desktop\Tesi\Arduino0022-mavlink1.0\Arduino_simulink\demos\tlc_c'
I haven't any .tlc file and I don't know how to do to solve my problem.
Any ideas about that?
Thank you all!
  2 个评论
Arun Limgaokar
Arun Limgaokar 2018-4-13
"ok i've solved my problem alone! Thank you all!", May i know how.


回答(5 个)

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2012-2-13
Is this where you got your blocks from? If yes, there is a comment in the Discussion section that talks about this error:
"[The] MATLAB Support Package does not support code generation. The included Simulink blocks communicate with the Arduino in Simulink "normal" (aka. simulation) mode only.

Valerio 2012-2-14
Hi and thanks for helping me. I've understood your solution and now i'm using just the Arduino Target blocks. Now I've a problem with a S-Funtion that seems to be very similar to this:
I've followed the steps adding the function and instructions about the SetInputPortDimensions but now i've a new problem with the arguments of the added function. I copy the code for explaining it better:
function sserialsb(block)
%SSERIALSB Underlying S-Function for the ICT Serial Send block.
%SSERIALSB(BLOCK) is the underlying S-Function for the ICT Serial Send
% block.
% SS 10/15/07
% Copyright 2007-2010 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: $
% The setup method is used to setup the basic attributes of the
% S-function such as ports, parameters, etc. Do not add any other
% calls to the main body of the function.
%% Function: setup
% Set up the S-function block's basic characteristics such as:
% - Input ports
% - Dialog parameters
% - Options
function setup(block)
% Parameters:
% 1:ComPortMenu,
% 2:ComPort,
% 3:ObjConstructor,
% 4:Header,
% 5:Terminator,
% 6:EnableBlockingMode
block.RegBlockMethod('SetInputPortDimensions', @SetInpPortDims);
% Register number of ports
block.NumInputPorts = 1;
% Register parameters
block.NumDialogPrms = 6;
block.DialogPrmsTunable = {'Nontunable', 'Nontunable',
'Nontunable', ...
'Nontunable', 'Nontunable', 'Nontunable'};
% Register sample times, Inherit sample time.
block.SampleTimes = [-1 0];
% Setup port properties to be inherited or dynamic
% Override input port properties
for idx = 1:block.NumInputPorts,
block.InputPort(idx).Complexity = 0; % Real
block.InputPort(idx).DirectFeedthrough = true; % Access inputs in Outputs function
% Specify if Accelerator should use TLC or call back into
% file
block.SetSimViewingDevice(true);% no TLC required
% Allow multi dimensional signal support.
block.AllowSignalsWithMoreThan2D = true;
%%Register methods called at run-time
%%Functionality :Called in order to initialize state and work
%%area values
block.RegBlockMethod('Start', @Start);
Functionality : Called to generate block outputs in
simulation step
block.RegBlockMethod('Outputs', @Outputs);
Functionality : Called at the end of simulation for cleanup
block.RegBlockMethod('Terminate', @Terminate);
%endfunction setup
function SetInpPortDims(block, idx, di)
block.InputPort(idx).Dimensions = di;
block.OutputPort(1).Dimensions = di/2;
%% Start - Set up the environment by creating objects, initializing data.
function Start(block)
% Get the error strings.
errorStrings = instrumentslgate('privateinstrumentslstring',
% Get the block name.
blockName = get_param(block.BlockHandle, 'Name');
% Error if no port selected.
if strcmpi(block.DialogPrm(2).Data, errorStrings.SelectPortString)
error(errorStrings.InvalidSerialPortID, ...
errorStrings.InvalidSerialPort, blockName);
% Check the sample time of the block to be not continuous.
if (block.SampleTimes(1) == 0)
error(errorStrings.InvalidInheritedSampleTimeID, ...
errorStrings.InvalidInheritedSampleTime, blockName);
% Find the corresponding serial configuration block.
configBlk = find_system(bdroot, 'FollowLinks', 'on', ...
'MaskType','Serial Configuration', ...
'ComPort', block.DialogPrm(2).Data);
% Check if empty.
if (isempty(configBlk))
% Error out as no serial configuration block is found.
error(errorStrings.NoSCBlocksID, ...
errorStrings.NoSCBlocks, ...
block.DialogPrm(2).Data, block.DialogPrm(2).Data);
% Get the serial object from configuration block.
configBlkUserData = get_param(configBlk{1}, 'UserData');
if isfield(configBlkUserData, 'zzzSimulinkSerialObject')
serialObj = configBlkUserData.zzzSimulinkSerialObject;
% Get the reference count and check for errors.
configBlkUserData.zzzReferenceSendInstance =
set_param(configBlk{1}, 'UserData', configBlkUserData);
% Create the object.
configBlockHandle = get_param(configBlk{1}, 'Handle');
serialObj = eval(get_param(configBlockHandle, 'ObjConstructor'));
configBlkUserData.zzzSimulinkSerialObject = serialObj;
configBlkUserData.zzzReferenceReceiveInstance = 0;
configBlkUserData.zzzReferenceSendInstance = 1;
set(configBlockHandle, 'UserData', configBlkUserData);
% Set the block parameters.
set(serialObj, 'BaudRate', str2double(get_param(configBlockHandle, 'BaudRate')), ...
'DataBits', str2double(get_param(configBlockHandle, 'DataBits')), ...
'Parity', get_param(configBlockHandle, 'Parity'), ...
'StopBits', str2double(get_param(configBlockHandle, 'StopBits')), ...
'FlowControl', get_param(configBlockHandle, 'FlowControl'), ...
'Timeout', str2double(get_param(configBlockHandle, 'Timeout')), ...
'ByteOrder', get_param(configBlockHandle, 'ByteOrder'));
% Multiple send blocks.
if (configBlkUserData.zzzReferenceSendInstance>1)
error(errorStrings.MultipleSSBlocksID, ...
errorStrings.MultipleSSBlocks, ...
block.DialogPrm(2).Data, block.DialogPrm(2).Data);
% Set output buffer size on the object. Arbitrarily set to 100
% size of data in input port.
reqdBufferSize = 100*block.InputPort(1).DataStorageSize;
if ( reqdBufferSize > get(serialObj, 'OutputBufferSize') )
% Close the object.
% Set it on the object.
set(serialObj, 'OutputBufferSize', reqdBufferSize);
% Open the object again.
% Store the serial object to send blocks user data.
sendBlkUserData = get_param(block.BlockHandle, 'UserData');
sendBlkUserData.zzzSimulinkSerialObject = serialObj;
% Extract the header and terminator as well.
[header terminator] = instrumentslgate('privateslextractheaderandterminator', ...
block.DialogPrm(4).Data, ...
sendBlkUserData.zzzSimulinkSerialHeader = header;
sendBlkUserData.zzzSimulinkSerialTerminator = terminator;
set_param(block.BlockHandle, 'UserData', sendBlkUserData);
% Check the data type.
dataType = block.InputPort(1).DataTypeID;
if (dataType < 0 || dataType > 7)
% Error as data type invalid.
error (errorStrings.InvalidDataTypeID, ...
errorStrings.InvalidDataType, blockName);
%% Outputs - Generate block outputs at every timestep.
function Outputs(block)
% Parameters:
% 1:ComPortMenu,
% 2:ComPort,
% 3:ObjConstructor,
% 4:Header,
% 5:Terminator,
% 6:EnableBlockingMode
% Get the underlying serial object.
userData = get_param(block.BlockHandle, 'UserData');
serialObj = userData.zzzSimulinkSerialObject;
header = userData.zzzSimulinkSerialHeader;
terminator = userData.zzzSimulinkSerialTerminator;
data = block.InputPort(1).Data(:)';
% Convert data to uint8's.
convertedData = typecast(data, 'uint8');
% Append header and terminator.
data = [header convertedData terminator];
% Output data depending on the mode selected.
if strcmpi(block.DialogPrm(6).Data, 'on') % Blocking mode on.
% Write the data.
fwrite(serialObj, data, 'uint8');
% Blocking mode off.
while (get(serialObj, 'BytesToOutput') ~= 0)
% Just wait until previous async fwrite is complete.
% Write asynchronously.
fwrite(serialObj, data, 'uint8', 'async');
%endfunction Outputs
%% Terminate - Clean up
function Terminate(block)
% Call the terminate method for serial object.
% Get the ID of the serial object.
userData = get_param(block.BlockHandle, 'UserData');
if isfield(userData, 'zzzSimulinkSerialObject')
serialObj = userData.zzzSimulinkSerialObject;
% Check if the object is still valid.
if isa(serialObj, 'serial') && isvalid(serialObj)
% Check if receive and transmit operations are done.
while ~(strcmpi(get(serialObj, 'TransferStatus'), 'idle'))
% Pause for some time for asynchronous operation to get over.
% Close and delete is done by the configuration block.
userData = [];
set(block.BlockHandle, 'UserData', userData);
I wrote ADDED to the two part of code I've added in and I don't know if I've done it well or positioned in the right place. The error I get is:
1)Error evaluating registered method 'SetInputPortDimensions' of MATLAB S-Function 'sserialsb' in 'provaprovahost/Serial Send'.
2)Invalid output port index specified for 'provaprovahost/Serial Send'. This block has no output ports
3)Error in port widths or dimensions. Output port 1 of 'provaprovahost/Constant' is a one dimensional vector with 1 elements.
Thank you for the help in advance.

Valerio 2012-2-14
I've to correct a thing that I've changed respect to the last answer i wrote. I've changed this:
function SetInpPortDims(block, idx, di)
block.InputPort(idx).Dimensions = di;
block.OutputPort(1).Dimensions = di/2;
with this:
function SetInpPortDims(block, idx, di)
block.InputPort(idx).Dimensions = di;
because i've just an input port and zero output port.
So then the Error now is:
1)Error evaluating registered method 'Outputs' of MATLAB S-Function 'sserialsb' in 'provaprovahost/Serial Send'.
2)An error occurred during writing.
Does it referred to the last paragraph of the code (function Outputs(block)?
Thank you again!
  1 个评论
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2012-2-14
Valerio: I would recommend setting a breakpoint in your Outputs method and stepping through it to see what is going wrong. My guess is that error is coming from:
fwrite(serialObj, data, 'uint8');
There might be something wrong with your serial port object?


Valerio 2012-2-16
ok i've solved my problem alone! Thank you all!

Sebastian Dietz
Sebastian Dietz 2015-10-29
Valerio, it would be great if you could tell us how you solved your problem.


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