Can I supress a flashing title bar when refreshing plots?
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I've looked at the doc page for figure properties and I don't see that this is possible, but perhaps it is. My question is probably OS specific (using Windows XP Pro now, will try this in Redhat as well): Can one move between different plot windows and refresh the plot, e.g.
figure(1), plot([1 2], [3 4]) figure(2), plot([5 6], [7 8])
and not have the title bars (the very top bar that says Figure 1 or 2) flash?
My application is trying replace the Simulink visualization tools (which in general are very unsatisfying) with S-function tokens that drive normal MATLAB plots. One issue though is that on every refresh the plot is flashing at you (which the Simulink version does not do). But in general, anyone who loops over a plotting line of code and wants to show an animated plot could benefit from controlling this behavior.
Thanks, Dara
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Walter Roberson
Maybe. If you set() the figure to visibility 'off', update the plot, and set the visibility 'on' then the updates flash less.
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