Fmincon Error: not enough input arguments

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I have to optimize parameters of a system of two ordinary differential equations. Therefore I wrote the following code. If I run the main file, I get the error: "not enough input arguments. Caused by: Failure in initial objective function evaluation. FMINCON cannot continue. " This error occurs in the obj1 function file, in the line, where the ode solver is used. If I uncomment the testparameters in the obj1 function, the error does not occur. Does anyone have an idea how to avoid this error?
p.s.: is this basically the right way to optimize the parameters of a system of ODEs or should it be done in a completely different way?
Main file:
LB = zeros(1,8);
x0 = LB;
UB = [Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf];
[x,fval] = fmincon(@obj1,x0,[],[],[],[],LB,UB);
Definition of function which I want to optimize
function [flux] = obj1(K_a_F,K_a_T,K_b_F,K_b_T,r_a_F,r_a_T,r_b_F,r_b_T)
k1 = 10^-2; k_1 = 8* 10^-3; k2 = 10^-2; k_2 = 4*10^-3;
%K_a_F = 9.4*10^5; K_a_T = 3.9*10; K_b_F = 1.3*10^4; K_b_T = 1.2*10^-10;
%r_a_F = 4.3*10^7; r_a_T = 4.2*10^9; r_b_F = 6.9*10^-7; r_b_T = 6.2*10^-9;
a = 10^5;
T0 = 27; T1 = 33;
tscale = 1:3000;
T = importdata('KursAT');
F = importdata('kursAF');
chiT = @(T) (-1/pi * (atan(a*(T-T1)) + atan(a*(T-T0))));
Ft = @(x)interp1(tscale,F,x,'spline');
Tt = @(x)interp1(tscale,T,x,'spline');
[t,sol] = ode45(@(t,dyn) dynamics(t,dyn,Ft,Tt,K_a_F,K_a_T,K_b_F,K_b_T,r_a_F,r_a_T,r_b_F,r_b_T), [1,3000] , [60 30]);
A = @(x)interp1(t,sol(:,1),x,'spline');
B = @(x)interp1(t,sol(:,2),x,'spline');
f = @(x,T,F,A,B) (chiT(T(x)).*(k2 *B(x)-k_2*T(x)) + chi_F(F(x),chiT,T(x)).*(k_1*A(x)-k1*F(x)));
tau = 3000;
flux = integral(@(x)f(x,Tt,Ft,A,B),0,tau);
Definition of ordinary differential equations
function [ddyn] = dynamics(t,dyn,F,T,K_a_F,K_a_T,K_b_F,K_b_T,r_a_F,r_a_T,r_b_F,r_b_T)
%kinetic parameters, unit: 1/s
k1 = 10^-2; k_1 = 8* 10^-3; k2 = 10^-2; k_2 = 4*10^-3;
%Vmax for enzymes alpha and beta, unit: mM/s
V_max_a = 1.6; V_max_b = 3.5;
%Michaelis-Menten constants for enzymes alpha and beta, unit: mM
K_M_a = 1.5*10^-3; K_M_b = 2*10^-3;
ddyn = zeros(2,1);
R_a_F = (K_a_F + r_a_F* F(t))./(K_a_F + r_a_F);
R_a_T = (K_a_T + r_a_T* T(t))./(K_a_T + r_a_T);
R_b_F = (K_b_F + r_b_F* F(t))./(K_b_F + r_b_F);
R_b_T = (K_b_T + r_b_T* T(t))./(K_b_T + r_b_T);
v_a = (V_max_a*dyn(1))./(K_M_a + dyn(1))*R_a_F *R_a_T;
v_b = (V_max_b*dyn(2))./(K_M_b + dyn(2))*R_b_F *R_b_T;
ddyn(1) = k1*F(t) + v_b - k_1*dyn(1) - v_a;
ddyn(2) = k2*T(t) + v_a - k_2*dyn(2) - v_b;


Matt J
Matt J 2016-6-23
编辑:Matt J 2016-6-23
The objective obj1 that you've shown is a function of 8 separate scalar arguments. However, fmincon expects it to be a function of a single 1x8 vector argument. Re-write your input syntax for obj1 to give fmincon what it expects.
  4 个评论
Maximilian Ernst
Maximilian Ernst 2016-6-23
ah ok thank you! I accidently deleted the arguments Ft and Tt , in dynamics


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